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How to Get Rid of Http Error 500 WordPress


Are you looking to get rid of Http Error 500 WordPress? You’ll get all the information you need right here in this blog. The contribution of a CMS platform is significant in website success. Today we have come across several Content Management System platforms. You have heard about WordPress, Drupal, Magento, and Joomla. They all are leading CMS platforms. Undoubtedly, WordPress tops in the list of most preferred CMS. However, every important thing has minor flaws, and WordPress is not an exception too. Numerous errors attack websites to breakdown the performance.

The Http error 500 WordPress, which is also known as internal server error, is a standard error. Users think that this error is difficult to solve, but it is not valid.

On the other hand, you can solve the error with the help of experts. You can solve mistakes if you are aware of the WordPress mechanism. Firstly we need to know about internal server error and its nature. 

What is WordPress Error 500?

Well, to describe the meaning of WordPress Error 500, we can say that it is the error related to the server. But the intimidating about this error is that it doesn’t display a specific reason for the failure. However, users need to detect the cause of stimulating this error. Now we will understand the possible reasons for the WordPress 500 error on your website.

What are the reasons for the 500 internal server error?

There could be several reasons for 500 internal server errors, and users must find the right idea. Identifying valid reasons can lead the precise troubleshooting. The reasons could be exhausting PHP limit, damaged plugins, corrupted default WordPress files, etc.  

Now we will suggest some solutions to eliminate internal server error. 

Restore WordPress Default Files 

Restoring the wp-admin and wp-includes has combated the Http error 500 WordPress from the websiteBefore performing for the installation of core files, kindly take the backup. Your website information won’t be removed or lost in the procedure. Even it will fix any problem that comes due to damaged files.

Navigate and tap on the download button  

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After that, a WordPress zip file will install in the download folder of your computer. You should extract data from the zip files.

Connect to the WordPress website via an FTP client. Visit the root directory of the site, and here you will find the wp-admin and wp-includes folder.

Open the WordPress folder on your PC. Choose the wp-includes and wp-admin folder and choose upload after you perform right-click.

The FTP client processes these folders to the server. It will give the option to the user to overwrite or not overwrite the files. You need to choose the overwrite option ad want Always use this action.

The old WordPress file gets automatically replaced by the new ones through FTP transfer. This method will work if your WordPress core files are corrupt.

Raise the PHP Limit of the WordPress to Get Rid of Http Error 500 WordPress

Generally, WordPress Error 500 arrives because of default PHP memory reach its limit. It can resolve by increasing the PHP limit. Boost the PHP memory by following methods and Get ready to get rid of Http Error 500 WordPress

Either find a php.ini file on the root folder or create it. 

You can also locate the wp-config.php file in the root directory 

Write the syntax “memory=256MB” in the blank file without an inverted comma (php.ini or wp-config.php file)

The default memory is 64MB, and you will possibly find the code in the file. In such a case, you need to put 256 instead of 64MB.

Save your file after making changes. 

Now upload the file folder with the help of FTP.

If the internal server error caused by PHP memory, then working on this method will eliminate the error. However, you should know that enhancing the PHP limit is a short-haul solution. You must detect what reason behind memory reaching its limit is.  

If the internal server error is a cause because of the PHP memory issue, then performing this step fixes the problem. 

Http Error 500 WordPress

The memory exhaustion reason could be faulty Plugin, inappropriate theme functions. You can get the help of WordPress hosting company for this issue

Even you can set up  WordPress error log in wp-config.php file. For that go to the wp-config.php file and search the line that contains, “Happy blogging” now paste the following syntax before this line

define (‘WP_DEBUG,’ actual); 

After writing the above code now, you also need to add syntax below to the code mentioned above.

define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );

These codes help in creating an error log for the website where all the errors will be stored. The second code will act as a debugging tool.

Get Rid of Http Error 500 WordPress

Rename .htaccess file and then recreate the file 

Search the .htaccess file and rename the file with another name. This would automatically delete the data from the server. Now you will need to create a new version of the .htaccess file. 

After renaming the .htaccess file, check the status of the site and check is the error 500 exist. If the error has removed, then it was .htaccess file that was creating issues. Save the changes you made and make a new version of the .htaccess file.

Visit Settings > Permalinks > Save Changes

 It will generate a new .htaccess file for the website with accurate coding and rewrite rules. It will ensure that pages don’t reflect any error. Even creating a new file will also help in troubleshooting WordPress 403 forbidden for the website.

Eliminate Plugins from the website 

The most probable reason for error 500 is a defected Plugin. Moreover, the conflict between two or more plugins can be the reason for internal server error. Eliminate all the plugins and then reactivate them in a sequence of one at time 

If this step fixes the error, then it is a Plugin that is causing the error. 

Go to WordPress admin area and tap on Plugins and the reactive one plugins at a time, until you search the specific one that is bringing error. Delete that Plugin and install another substitute Plugin. It will surely solve internal server error on your website.

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