Today's Thought: “A medicine cat has no time for doubt. Put your energy into today and stop worrying about the past.” -Erin Hunter, Rising Storm

The PHILANTHROPIST- a heart of GOLD (List of Philanthropists)


Here’s a List of Philanthropists we should all know about. Recently there was news saying, a Canadian businessman was distributing his extra wealth to aspiring entrepreneurs, to grow and establish themselves.  

How kind and thoughtful. He envisioned a better future for so many. How selflessly he helped so many to come up in life. There are many more great humans we hear of in this otherwise selfish world around.

Because it’s not only a charitable endeavor, but it’s a very very intelligent far-sighted thought behind this good deed. If there are more entrepreneurs, there are more opportunities, there is more money flow, the World Economy grows too, and so more growth for all. Wealth keeps multiplying and multiplying for good.

Every year, the wealthiest Americans give millions or in some cases billions of dollars in charitable donations.

List of Philanthropists – According to Forbes:

1. Warren Buffett

Lifetime Giving: $25.54 billion (39% of current net worth). Warren Buffet will be donating his entire Berkshire Hathaway holding, of $58 billion, sooner or later. 

2. Chuck Feefney

Lifetime Giving: $7.5 billion (373,000% of current net worth)

3. Michael Bloomberg

He has donated $4.22 billion in all.

4. Karen and Jon Huntsman Sr.

Lifetime Giving: $1.55 billion (160% of current net worth)

5. Gordon and Betty Moore

Lifetime Giving: $5.37 billion (71% of current net worth)

6. George Soros

Lifetime Giving: $12.1 billion (49% of current net worth)

7. Eli and Edythe Broad

Lifetime Giving: $4.22 billion (57% of current net worth)

8. W. Barron Hilton

Lifetime Giving: $1.3 billion (137% of current net worth)

9. Bill & Melinda Gates

Lifetime Giving: $32.91 billion (41% of current net worth)

10. Irwin & Joan Jacobs

Lifetime Giving: $706 million (50% of current net worth)

11. Julian Robertson Jr.

Lifetime Giving: $1.56 billion (43% of current net worth)

Of course, one should not wait or depend on charity. But if there is an excess on one plate and none on the other, it’s always good to share.
All are not so privileged to have wealth or to inherit it. And there are many enterprising minds around who have the dreams, the capability, the energy but not the wealth.
Not only entrepreneurs, but there are also many good causes that benefit financially through these kind philanthropists. So many organizations who work on development are also benefited. Many educational and health bodies are managed by these philanthropic funds.

These philanthropists didn’t expect anything in return, yet they became inspiring leaders. And many benefited through them. And they are always remembered.

All one needs is the desire to help others, and the willingness to put in the money to make a change.

There are many more philanthropists we read of.  If we look at the records, the list is endless. Some names are not even known. These Angels deserve credit for being kind and thoughtful, for being a good Human, for having a heart of GOLD.

For GOD loves the cheerful giver, and so does everyone.

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