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Choose Wisesolution Reseller Hosting Perfect for Stay-at-Home Professionals

Jennifer Thomas

For the last twenty years, many professionals have chosen to replace the culture of work from an office to work from home. These professionals belong to a wide range of industries, including writers, designers, accountants, legal professionals, digital marketers, and various others. Most of those functioning from the worksite have also learned to work from home during this COVID pandemic lockdown, balancing the work and personal life.

Though working from home sounds like everyone’s ease, you have to make sure to satisfy your customers, clients, or administrator with the services for maintaining the progression of the business. The IT industry has made a great addition to your work practice to support your work from home – Reseller Hosting.

Hop to the following sections to comprehend reseller hosting and how it is perfect for stay-home professionals.

What is Reseller Hosting?

Reseller hosting has come up in the industry as a business model. It gives the opportunity to individuals and enterprises to create a web hosting business. The beneficial and critical factor of web reseller hosting is it does not demand any investment in the infrastructure required.
The hosting companies lend the resources required for hosting purposes. You can purchase the hosting resources from them and become a hosting reseller by selling them to your further clients. You can customize the purchased hosting resources into the hosting packages and then sell them under your brand name. You will not require technical expertise to make money through the reseller hosting business.

The mentioned below are the steps you should follow to begin your reseller hosting business:

  • Find a hosting company and purchase a suitable reseller hosting plan from it.
  • Decide the market segment you want to target to render the web reseller hosting packages. If you are already a web expert and have clients, you can target them too in the first place.
  • Connect with your targets and get to know their requirements.
  • Build the customized hosting packages according to their needs.
  • Provide the support and sell your web hosting packages.
  • Do further marketing of your hosting plans and business.
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Which OS is best with Reseller Hosting?

The web hosting services have brought about the change in the operations of websites and gave them the lift to acquire growth. A reseller hosting provider can accommodate various services having distinct features, advantages, and functions. Amongst these services, the two most prevalent and successful services incorporate – Unlimited Linux Reseller Hosting and Windows Reseller Hosting. You may wonder whether the Linux OS or Windows OS will suit the best with your reseller hosting plan.

Let us tell you some key differences between them to decide on which OS you will like to operate with.

  • Linux offers more customization options than Windows operating systems.
  • Linux is an open-source platform and thus can allow you to install more applications on the server compared to the Windows OS. However, you need to confirm that the required applications for your business can run on the OS you are opting for as there are many applications that can run smoothly on Windows operating systems but fail to operate on Linux.
  • Linux can provide more stability due to its open-source nature.
  • Windows offer the benefit of .NET web applications, unlike Linux.
  • Though both of the reseller hostings are cost-effective, Linux is still cheaper than Windows.
  • Windows lets you set up and configure itself on your server in minutes. However, setting up Linux can take hours.

At last, the choice of opting for any one of Linux and Windows best reseller hostings will depend on which one is fulfilling your business requirements. Generally, Linux can suit an admin or a developer who is concerned about cost, security, and stability. On the other hand, you can prefer windows reseller hosting for .NET compatibility, easy setup, and developing more web apps,

Why is Reseller Hosting perfect for stay-at-home professionals?

This section will let you know the various reasons to claim that reseller hosting is perfect for stay-at-home professionals. Let’s got through each one of them.

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Offers a more voluminous range of services

If you are taking charge of the online services segment, the biggest challenge is to ensure that the clients are getting what they want regularly. Adding the web hosting plans into your services gives you a comprehensive approach to lead business and retain clients, as web hosting offers a wide range of options to operate.

Provides a Supplementary Regular Income

If you become successful in launching the reseller hosting business and providing the clients quality service, the clients will continue to stick to your services. If the clients are happy with your services, you can generate a regular income source apart from your other work. You can then further market yourself as a cheap reseller hosting provider giving quality service to attract more customers.

Requires the least Investment

The reseller hosting lets you generate greater profits with the minor investment. You do not have to put much cost to get an entry into the reseller hosting business. The barriers are low while putting yourself into the best reseller hosting option.

Offers to Operate Entirely from Online

The reseller hosting offers you to operate, maintain and manage the entire work online. You can start the business and connect to the clients no matter wherever you reside. From initiating your work, providing services to acquiring feedback and revenues, everything can be achieved through online tasks.


If you are a professional working from home or desiring to work from home, keep in mind that you do not have to stick to any fixed salary. You can expand your limits and approach however and whenever you want. As we have comprehended how the reseller hosting business has come into the industry to offer an excellent opportunity to boost your business work from home, make sure to utilize this chance to the best of your capability. You will find it the perfect option to raise your revenue without investing much time or money.

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