Top Free SEO Courses on Udemy

There are over 600 SEO related Udemy courses so it’s natural for you to be confused about which ones to choose. Well, to be honest a single course is less likely to cover everything, and what practical knowledge can teach you cannot be taught by theory alone. So, what we suggest is to go through this list to find a couple of fitting online Free SEO courses and take up at least 3 of these one after another.

One of the best things about studying on Udemy is that if you do not like the course and you have paid for it you can get a complete refund if you cancel the purchase within a period of 30-days. The reason why you must try a free course is that it helps you decide whether to purchase the paid version of any particular course. Free courses on Udemy only offer online video content. They do not provide the following:

  • Certificate of completion
  • Q&A with the instructor
  • Direct messaging to the instructor

In this blog we would answer a few important questions. Let’s begin.

Which is the best SEO course on Udemy?

– There is no one particular SEO course that is best. However, we have a list of the best courses that you can choose from depending upon your level of knowledge in Search Engine Optimization. We would only talk about Free courses in SEO today.

SEO Tutorial for Beginners by Daragh Walsh

This course at the moment shows up as the best choice on the first page on Udemy.

What you will learn in this course:-

  • Learn everything you need to know about the fundamentals of SEO.
  • Learn to do keywords research in the right way.
  • Become an expert in On-page SEO, especially on WordPress.
  • Understand the concept of backlinking and how to build high quality backlinks for your website. (Off-page SEO)
  • Learn how to come on the first page of Google by following ethical SEO practices.

The duration of this course:- 44 minutes

The languages:- English, French [Auto] , German [Auto], Indonesian [Auto], Italian [Auto], Portuguese [Auto], Spanish [Auto]

Who is Daragh Walsh?

Daragh is a Digital Marketing expert himself. He belongs to Ireland and he loves to connect with his learners. Daragh has over 15 courses on Udemy at the moment. All of his courses are on Digital Marketing and its subdivisions. His best selling course is ‘The Complete Digital Marketing Course – 12 Courses in 1’ This course is perfect for beginners in digital marketing who do not only want to learn SEO but also learn several other marketing techniques such as social media marketing. Quick tip; social media marketing does help in SEO too by providing quality traffic to the website you are working on. Search engines give priority to website with quality content and quality traffic from various sources.

He says, “My mission is to help people succeed by giving them the skills to build their own businesses and careers.” 

SEO Mini Course For Beginners 2022 – Learn The Basics by Joshua George 

Joshua begins introducing the course to his audience with a promise to deliver. He way of speaking, neutral accent and rate of speech is perfect for even those who are struggling with the English language.

What you will learn in this course:

  • Learn the basics of how websites rank on the first page of Google with SEO.
  • How to make up a great SEO campaign for your website.
  • Everything you need to know about ‘keywords’ in detail.
  • Why content is important and how to curate excellent content.
  • Why are backlinks important and how to build strong one for excellent results.

The duration of this course:- 1 hour 7 minutes

The Languages: English

Who is Joshua George? 

Joshua George is the owner of a leading SEO agency name ClickSlice Ltd. in London. He has over 15 courses on the platform and his best selling course is The Ultimate SEO Training 2022 + SEO For WordPress Websites. Learners at all levels of their digital marketing career can learn a lot from Joshua. The best about learning from Joshua is he keeps you up-to-date with what is going on in the real world. Offering some of the best free SEO courses this SEO expert also regularly attends conferences across the world to build his brand and also educate learners during his visits.

SEO Training Course by Moz

If you don’t know about Moz you must start with doing a quick Google search on them. In this course you will certainly learn only the basics of SEO but you can sure to gain an in-depth knowledge on the subject.

What you will learn in this course:

  • Basics of SEO with accuracy of information.
  • White-board training on how SEO is useful at all.
  • Which SEO rules to follow and which to ignore.

The duration of this course:- 3 hours 26 minutes

The Languages: English

Google gives you all kind of information and not everything you read online is accurate. One very important feature about learning from Moz is that it would help you decide on which information you must allow yourself to keep and which to discard.

Who are Moz?

Moz builds software that help people with SEO and online marketing. They are popular worldwide and if you’re planning on a career in SEO you have certainly already heard about them and maybe even used their tools by now. They just have one course on Udemy and that is this one.

The 3 courses above are enough for you to understand everything you need to know about SEO. Take out a day’s time and do all of these courses without fail and only then process to any other course or even start with SEO on your site.

Now the courses below are going to show you how to do SEO on YouTube and if you are a content writer how you can leverage it to be good at SEO for your website. The courses below are also equally important for your career.

Entity SEO for Content Writers by Dixon Jones

Not exactly one of the most popular free SEO courses but this course would certainly open up a whole new level of understanding of SEO for you. If you search for #ThingsNotStrings on Google you will find a deeper understanding of the instructor of this course and what he is upto in relation to this course and our subject, SEO.

What you will learn in this course:

  • Write quality content that is creative and SEO-friendly as well.
  • What is Schema and why you need to know it for SEO.
  • Learn how to optimize the existing content on your website to make is Search Engine friendly.
  • How to find trendy topics and content ideas for SEO.
  • Why content is king.

The duration of this course:- 1 hour

The Languages: English

About the Instructor Dixon Jones

Dixon has been very successful in his marketing career. He has even won an award and met several groundbreaking milestones that make him who is today. He has 2 courses on Udemy and his best seller is Start Trading Online as a UK Limited Company for under £99 in which he talks about how you can start your own SEO company or any other company without having to be in the UK. He has 20 years of experience in the field of marketing and is going strong still by helping his learners with free material to work on their marketing skills.

YouTube SEO Course To Rank On First Page : Views & Rank Hack by Md Murad Hossain

The world is moving towards video today. If you have a website it would be ideal to also open a YouTube video channel for your site and begin uploading videos on your channel about what your company does and how you are different. Other than building quality content you would also have to ensure you do YouTube SEO for each of your video and your channel. Certainly not an important part of the list of Free SEO courses on Udemy but this course would clear up so many confusions that you might have regarding getting the rankings up really fast without breaking any rules.

What you will learn in this course:

  • How to do on-page and off-page SEO on YouTube.
  • The different kind of backlinks that you can create specially for your YouTube channel.
  • How to increase the views of your videos really fast.
  • The details on YouTube algorithm for SEO
  • Everything from scratch on how to create a good YouTube channel.

The duration of this course:- 1 hour 15 minutes

The Languages: English

About the Instructor Md Murad Hossain

If you purely want to learn Md Murad Hossain is an outstanding instructor with in-depth knowledge on SEO. He is over 4 years of hands-on experience in advance level digital marketing. At the moment he only has one course on Udemy and it quite popular with a strong 4.3 star rating from over 1400 students.

Now that you have read the blog and have got an idea on which Free SEO courses you must go with to start your journey in SEO, we can talk about something more in our next topic on the best paid SEO courses on Udemy.


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