Three Things You Should Know About Ludo Before You Start Playing

Three Things You Should Know About Ludo Before You Start Playing

Board games like ludo have always been the favourite pastime in households. Especially during the covid-19 worldwide pandemic, people have started to realize the significance of ludo. From kids to adults, everyone took part in online ludo games to spend their leisure time. After all, there was nothing much to do except for spending some quality time with loved ones. So, even after the digitization, the essence of the ludo games remains intact in its online version. The online version of the ludo game is a nostalgic and go-to method for everyone to have some entertainment. Besides, the game offers significant health benefits as well. In fact, for kids, it’s important to play ludo games as it develops their mental and physical health. Still, lot of people are unaware that simple board games like ludo can offer these many benefits. 

Ludo isn’t a simple game anymore. With its online versions, the ludo game has become more challenging and fun. The ludo game online play offers the players to play with their real money and earn instant cash as well. In fact, some of these games allow people to play with their own family members and earn some rewards. It’s more thrilling when people play with real money. But, there are a few things that one needs to know before start playing. These tips will help people to stay competitive and earn some great rewards.

  1. You Must Know How to Play

Ludo is a simple board game. But, it’s important to know the rules of ludo game online play to enjoy the exciting rewards. The game was created back in the late Victorian times. Based upon an Indian game Pachisi, the game was developed. However, the online version of these ludo games offers a lot of advantages. For this, let’s take a look at the rules of playing this game online, 

  • The ludo board is a square with patterns of cross shape on it. Each arm is divided into three adjacent eight-square columns. And the middle of these crosses forms a large square. This is called the “home” area. 
  • Each player needs to choose one among 4 colours. This includes blue, green, yellow, or red. The player needs to take a turn in clockwise order. And the highest throw of the dice gets to start. 
  • The player needs to decide which piece to move based on each throw. A piece moves in a clockwise direction based on the number thrown. The dice is passed to the next players if no piece can move legally. 

Based on these rules, when a piece stops circumnavigating the board, it proceeds up to the home column. The first person who gets to move four pieces into the home wins. In case, there are four players, there will be two winners. In case, there are two or three players, one can win the game. Players can individually create their private rooms using referral codes to play the online game and start winning. 

Develop A Game plan 

Ludo is emerging as popular board games during the covid-19 pandemic. The online versions offer some significant advantages. And there are a few tricks that help the players to win the game easily. Players can earn instant rewards as they win the matches. Let’s take a look at a few tricks to win the game easily,

  • Players should open all the pieces as soon as possible. It may result in bad progress if they focus on two or one-pieces only. 
  • One should never run a single piece every time they get a chance. Else, they won’t be able to win the game. 
  • The online ludo game is entirely based on algorithms. So, none can claim that they understand how the dice is thrown. But, it’s important to play the practice matches and understand how the dice moves. 

Understand the Benefits of Ludo 

Board games are always beneficial in terms of polishing one’s cognitive skills. Thereby, it contributes to one’s rapid brain development. Ludo is no exception. It’s important to know the benefits of this game before start playing. So, let’s take a look at the benefits of this ludo game, 

  • Ludo game helps one to deal with the dice’s randomness. People can learn to cope with unexpected opponent moves. It stimulates one’s brain cell to perform better. It’s more competitive and challenging when one plays an online ludo game as the game’s algorithm and programming are unpredictable. 
  • Ludo helps to improve one’s concentration power and focus. A negligent move can easily ruin the risk of winning. So, it’s essential for the players to stay alert while playing the ludo game. Throughout this process, players learn to sharpen their focus. These are the few advantages of playing ludo. 

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