Russians Withdrawing through Chernobyl – Ukraine Counteroffensives Freeing Villages from Russians

Russians Withdrawing through Chernobyl – Ukraine Counteroffensives Freeing Villages from Russians

Russians are withdrawing through Chernobyl and regrouping in Belarus as the Ukrainian counteroffensives have gotten of hold of several villages while Russian forces continue to destroy towns and cities in Kyiv. The city of Lviv was bombarded massively during this weekend. This western Ukrainian city was considered to be a safe haven and not is is shattered and ruined.

According to the Ukraine military intelligence, Russia could be planning to split Ukraine. From their understanding Russia’s goal is to completely takeover Ukraine but they are mainly focused on Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region.

In the southern port of Kherson Russia no longer has full control, this was the first major city that Russia has captured in the early days of the war. Amid all this Zelensky has renewed his request for NATO tanks, planes and equipment. He is also asking for oil exports to be increased from Qatar and other energy producers.

NATO has activated its chemical, biological, nuclear defense and radiological forces. The concern that Russia might use chemical weapons against Ukraine is still there and it is quite troubling.

President Biden had remarked saying that Putin should not remain in power and Kremlin gave a statement saying it’s not for Biden to say if Putin stays in power. The U.S. Secretary of State made it clear the the U.S. doesn’t have any strategy for regime change in Russia.

What the Ukrainian counteroffensives are doing is good news, but over 10M people have left Ukraine and more are leaving everyday. Read: USA to Welcome 100,000 War Refugees.

Help People of Ukraine. Read Here Send Money to Ukraine Only Via Trusted Apps and Websites

Read European Firms Hiring Ukrainians to Show Support


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