Look Into The Several Phases Of Mobile Application Development

Look Into The Several Phases Of Mobile Application Development

The application has become an important part of life in the current era; most of the things can be done through using an application as it is difficult to think about today’s lifestyle without applications. But as the application market is growing so the competition is, no one can take the application process lightly. If you want to create an app like Facebook then you should not decide to move forward lightly. More than 4 million applications are there in app stores, so it is important to plan the entire application process properly. It should cater to the market niche and marketing goals also. Mobile application lifestyle is more likely the software development lifecycle, but the difference is that is created from the perspective of mobile phones.

In this world today, there are lots of application developers that do not consider it rocket science. The successful application process is based on extensive planning. Your application may be easy to create in a day with testing and releasing on the app store but you need to spend more effort to get the successful application. Get yourself extremely involved in the wide application development process that involves the rigorous design, different aspects of testing, complete beta lifecycle, and then deployment in a different way. Your selected path will give a direction to the entire application lifestyle.

Find the important phase of application lifecycle below:

Conduct The Appropriate Research

All the applications started with an idea, even the stupidest one. You need to refine the idea to make a solid application. Be mindful to do the proper initial analysis like motivations, actual demographics, and goals of buyer and behavior patterns. Do not forget the end-user for the single moment of each stage. You should begin with thinking of the customer’s lifecycle and note down their capabilities. Now you should think about how the customer should perceive and use their digital product. It will provide you the much-needed motivation and confidence.

This step is essential because during this time you get to know all the important groundwork for what to follow. Invest your brainstorming efforts and a bit of substantial research before adopting the next step. Do not forget to keep an eye on the competitor’s application as it will help you to analyze the features that are missing in their app and you can add.


You may be aware of this step of the application development process is to document and wireframe the application. Understand the application functionalities and the developed model.  At this point, you are supposed to direct your application by drawing detailed sketches of the product to uncover the usability issues. It is more than tracking your steps as you can use it for communication purposes also. Once you are done with the sketching of application development, it will help you to polish the ideas and arrange the components of the design correctly.

For the revised one, aim to develop the features and ideas together to create the functionality of the application. You should start working on the storyboard to determine the relationship between each screen of the application and the user. You should take each step with keeping in mind the user experience.

Technical Feasibility Assessment

You need to put the same level of effort into the back-end systems to make sure of the strong support for the application functionality. You need to make sure that the idea is feasible technically so that you should use the public data by sourcing APIs. It depends on the platform usage like IOS and android or the device format like tablets, mobile phones, and Smartphones, all will have different requirements. When you are done with the exercise, you may end up with the different ideas and functionality of the application.


Indeed, mobile application development is a long process but if the appropriate techniques are used then it will be great in a shorter period.  One should follow the mentioned initial steps of the app development lifecycle then the prototype must be created to get the idea of the user experience. Then develop the application according to the plan and launch on the app store successfully.


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