Logo Design 101 – How to Design Your Logo In 5 Easy Steps?

Logo Design 101 – How to Design Your Logo In 5 Easy Steps?

So, you want to design a logo for your brand? If you have the resources, our first suggestion is to get the assistance of a designer. Logo design may seem simple, but ask any good designer, and they will tell you the truth.
The logo design process can be hard to describe. Every graphic designer will tell you a different approach to logo creation. For some, it is all about concept development and 60min focus while listening to their favorite album. Others find inspiration from competitors. We cannot judge anyone with their ways to create ideas– all this may sound stupid, but it is the reality.
If you are interested in designing a logo yourself, we will discuss the whole process with you. We will share five simple steps that will help you get started.

Spilling Colors on Logo

What is a logo?

The question probably leads to popping up of images of an apple with a bite, in one’s mind. After all, we all know what a logo is. Simply, it is a pattern used to recognize a brand as well as its services and products.

Logo design tells a lot about your company. It is an opportunity to build an identity in the market. Here we take the example of Amazon. The ‘smiley arrow’ illuminates the message that the company sells everything from A to Z and how happy customers are when they shop with them.

Tip: Remember, the logo plays a crucial role; it is the factor that helps in imparting that powerful first impression on the customer.

Now we have a clear understanding of what a logo is, let’s discover five easy logo design steps.

Logo Design – Five-Step Process to Design a Captivating Logo

Kickoff with Your Brands Story

Companies are created to make dollars – your statement should not be poetic. You need to portray yourself at its best as you promote your service. Before you think of logo design, take some time and flashback the story behind your company. When we look at Coca Cola, we don’t see carbonated drinks. We see polar bears and thick white script letters.

Think out of the box. Reflect on why you do it instead of what your company does. That is the root of your story, and describe it in the shape, colors, and typeface of your logo design.

Sketch the Idea

Armed with the story and few key phrases, sit down with a paper and pencil and sketch the idea that pops up in your mind. Don’t get frustrated if the first few are not up to the expectation. Keep refining the final logo design will be the best depiction of your idea. Just keep these tips in mind:

  • Keep it simple.
  • Choose the color carefully. It can be your best friend or your worst enemy. For logos, royal blue or Maroon goes best. But still, it’s up to you to choose the best color for your brand.

Select Sketches that Align with Your Buyer Persona

Once you have a handful of different logo designs. Don’t think too much and choose the three best concepts. Share with your close ones to get their feedback. This gives you the most productive opinion on your logo design. Don’t take any negative remarks personally. This feedback will only make your logo design better.

Refine Your Logo Design

Hurray! You are closer to your final logo design. Once you have decided on the sketch, it’s time to refine it and perfect the story you started.  Pick a versatile color option that goes best with your brand. Let’s go back to our case study about Coca-Cola. See, they use two to three color variations. Always choose color variation. Pick both dark and light color backgrounds. The greater the variety of colors in the logo better it works in the promotion.

Ensure Scalability

The logo represents your company on multiple channels. Ensure your logo design is blown up for large billboards and ascended down for screening onto the side pen. Significantly, every part of your logo is legible irrespective of logo design, font, and size.

In a nutshell, we know logo design is a little overwhelming but don’t rush. Take it slow. It is better to follow the steps and get the remarkable end product.

Each detail of logo design – color, font, sizes, shapes, and more can impact the customer. A logo is the best way to give your brand life and identity. We hope these steps help you create a captivating logo that attracts the attention of lots of customers.

Follow these and get the best identity of your brand.


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