Everything You Need to Know About Selective Racking System

Everything You Need to Know About Selective Racking System

Hey there! Are you planning to buy a new structure for your warehouse or want to upgrade your storage? Well, you are equipped with numerous solutions to pick one from.

So, if you want to make the warehouse look simple yet useful, we have one of the best options available. The most popular selective racking system is a prior choice. Additionally, it is termed a Single Selective Racking.

There is much more than this racking system consists of with an affordable choice. Further, we have created a guide with everything you should know about the selective storage system to improve your knowledge. Read on!

All You Need To Know About Selective Racking

Selective racking solution is one of the most common racking systems popular among warehouse owners. The name consists of the selective word means it allows selecting any pallet load from the pallet racking system with no moving to other pallets. More importantly, it is not too expensive and depends upon the price of a per-pallet position.

Usage of selective racks

  • Generally, this type of racking system is best for a huge variety of applications like FMCG, Retail distribution centers, Auto parts, Electronics, Wholesale stores, and many more.
  • Beam connectors held pallets on the horizontal load beams. Moreover, the best part is you can change the height according to the pallet or load sizes.
  • A selective shelving system is convenient for warehouses that require customized or standard storage.
  • The rack system offers easy accessibility of all items at a single time. It provides a seamless and convenient experience if warehouse operations need fast access to inventory.
  • Now the best part is that these racks are easy to install, customized, and adjustable as per users’ requirements. Furthermore, if you opt for a double-deep rack configuration, you will get full accessibility.

How To Store Or Pick From A Selective Rack?

Selective racks are built with a FIFO (First-In-First-Out) method for managing inventory. It means the products kept first will be removed first from all. On the other hand, another opposite method is LIFO (Last-In-First-Out). It denotes that the new product will be moved first before the older one.

From these two, the FIFO method is best for short shelf-life products, such as:

  • Beverages
  • Frozen food
  • Fresh veggies
  • Sterile medical supplies
  • Pharmaceutical drugs
  • Batteries
  • High-volume consumer goods
  • And other items having an expiration date.

The FIFO method in pallet racking improves the task’s efficiency, keeps items fresh, and maximizes warehouse capacity.

Benefits Of Selective Racking System

It is one of the most popular shelving solutions that benefit warehouse owners. Now, let’s have a look over the topmost advantages of selective shelving.

  • You will get 100% access to all the pallets.
  • An easy and fast access to an extensive range of SKUs.
  • You will get the ability to easily change the storage mix.
  • Inexpensive forklift and pallet handling price.
  • This racking depends on the price per square meter for racks.
  • FIFO inventory management system.
  • It supports two or more trucks on the same aisle.
  • Front-loaded denotes non-critical floor level.
  • There will not be any unique truck requirements.

What are the components of a selective racking system?

Well, it includes both the beams as well as uprights.

Another name for upright is frames. It consists of two posts; one is horizontal, and another is diagonal struts. Further, these are specially built for footplates and bracing. So, the first beam gets fitted into the holes punched along the frames. The holes may appear different from one manufacturer to the other one and are also available in many styles.

Mainly, the selective rack is used along with wire decks. But users can select pallet/ crossbars supports and grating for heavy loads. Moreover, you can buy these racking systems in welded or bolted frame styles. Well, both the frames are long lasting with a high-quality steel.

What are your storage requirements?

It is highly suggested to check your storage requirements before buying. So, start by researching to get the perfect type of storage for the warehouse.

Check out a few things like:

  • The total floor area of your warehouse
  • Your total budget
  • The height of your ceiling
  • A total number of products you need to store.
  • The access to the pallets

So, once you have found these above-listed elements, you will get a perfect selective pallet rack that fits your specific needs.

Sum Up

At last, have you made the final decision of buying racks for your warehouse? We hope now you have enough knowledge about the selective pallet racking system and are ready to invest in it. Furthermore, check out the other available options before sticking to one manufacturer.

Do you need any help to move ahead? Well, drop down your valuable comments and we would be happy to help you.

Thank you for reading!


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