6 Sci-fi Video Games

We all dream. It is a human tendency to imagine ourselves in alien environments and wander randomly about the future of the human race. Would aliens attack our planet? Would there be an apocalypse? Or when the world would come to an end?

This curiosity and curious nature of the human brain embarked on creating Science Fiction.

It is commonly regarded as Sci-Fi. It is a type of fiction primarily dealing with the consequences of real or imaginary science on individuals and society. Hugo Gernsback, an American publisher, popularised this term around the 1920s. Sundry award-winning sci-fi movies akin to ‘Inception,’ ‘Interstellar’ etc., directed by British-American director Christopher Nolan has been remarked as the best in the history of cinema. So, all the above-stated statements testify to why this genre rules the roost.

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This craze is even witnessed in the gaming industry. Let us look at some of those sci-fi games which possess the ability to transfer the player into a novel atmosphere that is filled with new encounters and strange things:


 Rated as 7/10 on IGN and designed by Rockfish Games as a sequel to Everspace, it is an open-world space exploration with arcade-like space combat, complemented by mining crafting and classic RPG elements like a Diablo-like loot system. Aggregately, it is a 20-30 hour primary campaign, in addition to sundry side missions and explorations. It is available on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation as well. However, it is still in development, and fans would have to wait for its full release in 2022.The developer, ROCKFISH Games, has released a new update for EVERSPACE 2, bringing it to Steam, GOG, and Microsoft Store in early access. The updated version includes a variety of changes, including early WIP localization. In addition, the game now includes voice acting. The game features exploration, mining, puzzle-solving, trading, ship customization, and five different ship subclasses.


It was released on April 1, 2021, and developed by People Can Fly; it is an online-only cooperative action role-playing third-person video game. In the commencement, players can create customized characters can equip different weapons like shotguns and assault rifles to subjugate antagonists. To seek protection from the attack, the player can hide behind cover to guard himself, but the niche has not been found, and health will rejuvenate only if he kills or hurts his adversaries. The game can be played solo or in a team of three. It has been a subject of both praise and criticism, with the tournament receiving the former for its gameplay and visuals but was looked down upon for its story and characters. It has been released for Windows, Stadia, PS 4, PS 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/ S.


 Selene lands on a planet called Atropos and find herself trapped in a time loop as she wanders with a desire to get hold of a mysterious white shadow signal. With positive feedback for its technical achievements, which is evident from an IGN rating of 8/10, this game is a third-person shooter video game casting roguelike elements and covering the psychological horror genre. However, it is exclusively available only for PlayStation 5. The RETURNAL video game is a third-person shooter rogue-like that was developed by Housemarque and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. It was released on April 30, 2021. 


 A single-player game available for Windows, PS 4, and Xbox One is an action role-playing game in which the player possesses control of a mammalian warrior in a world with mutated creatures. Players can mend their abilities and explore the world on foot by flying or using a jet ski, air balloon, and mech. The story is fully narrated, albeit as playtime augments, narration level plummets.

Biomutant is an action role-playing video game developed by Experiment 101 and published by THQ Nordic. It will be released on 25 May 2021 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, but is expected to come to more platforms in the future. Hopefully, it will be available on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, too. Read on to learn more about the video game. But before we get into it, let’s take a look at what to expect.


Receiving a thumbs-up for the combat and boos for its side missions, it is too a single-player game set in an alternate reality and near-future where society has been found on elements found in the brains of a man, which makes them possess extrasensory superpowers. The Other Suppression Force (OSF) assembles a team of members with those abilities to protect the human race from dumb mutants who descended from The Extinction Belt. It is supported by Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PS 4, and PS 5.

You may have already heard of the upcoming Scarlet Nexus video game, but you may not have had a chance to try it yet. It will be coming to Xbox One, Xbox Series XS, and PS4 in the coming days. If you’ve heard of it, you’re in luck, because we’ll cover the game’s gameplay in this article. In the meantime, you can look forward to the anime series on Funimation.


 An individual, Colt, is an assassin and is stuck in a time loop, and to get out of it, he has to kill eight targets which go by the name, Visionaries across the island before midnight, else it will reset the time loop. Also, if he dies in due process, he will wake back up at the start of the circle. A day has four periods ( Morning, Noon, Afternoon, and Evening ), with the island also having four districts ( Karl’s Bay, Fristad Rock, Updaam, and The Complex ), and traveling in them leads time to lapse. Besides this, a player otherwise can take up the role of Julianna, an agent who has got the job of taking out Colt. When this role is assumed, a player enters a random player’s game and might interrupt their play. One can have access to this game via Microsoft Windows or PS 5.


So these were those six sci-fi video games that can enable one to taste the experience of surviving in an environment where one is always in jeopardy. If you love playing Sci-fi games then you might also have played XCOM 2. Various users are experiencing a reed screen error in the game nowadays, if you’re one of them then you should visit this link for solutions.  I hope you would have found this article to be informative and illuminating. Thanks for reading.

Hasta La Vista.


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