Common mistakes to avoid while preparing for any competitive exam

Common mistakes to avoid while preparing for any competitive exam

Do you want to crack a competitive exam? If yes, then you should be aware of the common mistakes students make at the time of preparation. Securing a job in the govt sector is becoming difficult day by day as the competition is very high. But, as there is a famous quote by Walt Disney – ‘If you can dream it, you can do it.’ With continuous efforts, dedication, hard work, and a positive approach, you can achieve your goal. 

Several government sectors conducted government exams after short intervals to recruit people at different job profiles. Defense, railways, Banking, Insurance, Education, and Aviation are the most likable government zones among candidates. Out of all these, the bank is quite a famous sector among the aspirants as it has less workload as compared to other sectors. Thus, thousands of candidates fill for the post of Bank PO (Probationary officer) whenever Bank Exam Notification comes on the authorized site.

If you crack the competitive exam, it will give you a rewarding career and uplift the state of your life. In this article, you’re going to encounter the common mistakes which can be the reason for the fewer marks in competitive exams. Let’s look into this: 

Common mistakes to avoid during competitive exams

Lack of proper plan & strategy 

When you begin your preparations for the competitive exams without making a proper plan and strategies will lead you not too far. Therefore, it is the wisest step to make a study schedule to follow every day based on your syllabus. Assemble the relevant books, e-files, books, study materials, and links and divide your time according to them. Additionally, take some time for practice as well to review the task of the overall day. Find out your flaws and rectify them. 

Refer many sources & study materials 

If you run behind collecting too many books or study materials to prepare for the competitive exams, it may stress you at the time of the study. You may confuse what to study or which book is relevant to follow for the preparations. Thus, stick to the limited study materials according to the syllabus, job profile, and department. For example; To get selected for the post of SBI Clerk you have to study the books or study materials related to this post. 

Lack of concentration

Social media is the biggest distraction these days. Spending time on it is not a bad option as it is also the source of information too but checking the notification repeatedly, chatting with friends, replying to their texts, will be the reason for your less score. It is the first duty of the aspirants to cut out all the distractions such as TV, messages, phones, or the internet. Fix timings for everything like when to study and when to use social media to perform outstandingly in the competitive exam. 

Giving many exams at one time

Due to the high-paying jobs and attractive perks, people are crazy about the govt exams. This is the reason they are keen to give every competitive exam which is quite an inferior idea. If you want to see your future in the bank then keep your eyes on the Bank Exam Notification or if becoming a railway engineer is your vision then you must prepare for it.

Last-minute study

It is one of the worst ideas to wait for the official notification of the government to begin the preparation of the competitive exam. As we already stated, there is substantial competition for clearing the competitive exam. If you think you will prepare during the last days of the test, it will not bring productive output. Hence, prepare well, make the notes of the important questions, note down the vital formulas and keep every required thing in one place to find it easily on the day of the exam. Preparing for the beginning will help you to figure out the lacking areas and you will be left with much time for practice. 

No Revision 

Revision is an integral part of every study. No matter if you are preparing for the competitive exam, UPSC, or others, if you are not revising you will not be able to check where you are wrong or where you need an improvement. To get a great rank in the competitive exam, develop a habit to solve the one practice paper daily and identify your mistakes.


Many Candidates study hard and spend lots of time practicing the test papers but still do not qualify for the competitive test. Do you know why? Because the reason lies in the correct study approach like what to study? How to study? What are the essential topics? The best way to clear the competitive exam is to focus on the relevant topics. Pick the difficult first and prepare it. You will not be stressed during the last days of your exam date. 

Read:- How VSI students Crack CA Foundation Exam in First Attempt?


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