Easy Guide on PSD to WordPress Conversion

Easy Guide on PSD to WordPress Conversion

Besides the simplest blogging platform, WordPress has now become considerably the world’s promising content management system. Powering 34% of the whole web, this amazing CMS enables the users to customize or build the website from scratch. Furthermore, the flexibility, plethora of plug-ins, and convenience make WordPress the choice of every venture. Now, the number of WordPress websites launched per day has increased to 50,000. Isn’t it a huge capacity!! Here, producing a business website that stands out in the ocean full of thousands of websites comes as the task. Well, PSD to WordPress conversion is an assured methodology that enables designing a website that is attractive, engaging, and user-friendly.

Are you aware of PSD and how PSD to WP conversion is profitable?


To keep it clear, let us begin with the basic phrases such as PSD, WordPress, and then the easy steps to PSD to WordPress theme conversion.       

What PSD Stands For?

PSD stands for Photoshop Document invented by Adobe Photoshop software. With this file format, many expert designers can produce custom designs for the website and use Photoshop to edit the workable files when required. 

What is a WordPress Theme?

WordPress themes are basically a group of style sheets and templates that demonstrates the website’s whole appearance like pictures, font, styles, patterns, and much more. Everything from an attractive website background to easy navigation, a responsive WordPress theme makes it all easy and elegant.   

So, moving ahead, let’s dive into the easy ways involved in converting PSD to WordPress Responsive theme.

Why Convert PSD to WordPress Theme?

Every website owner or business owner is in a hurry to have an alluring and fully operational website. Hence, the conversion helps them in:

  • Gaining as many as possible business opportunities by getting the website on the top of SERPs 
  • Decreasing operational cost as you can access free WordPress tools and plug-ins 
  • Better content presentation choices like creating, optimizing, editing, and uploading content
  • Utilizing scalability offered and fulfilling user needs

Steps to PSD to WordPress Conversion

Slice the PSD File

For easy and effective PSD to WordPress theme conversion, slicing is the primary footfall that comes to play. Here, slicing means breaking down an image file into plenty of individual files comprising distinctive design details. Moreover, slicing minimizes the overall design coding efforts as it is nearly impossible to execute theme coding from a single image file. 

  • Firstly, slice the main image file into separate files 
  • Incorporate altogether technically
  • Open the design file in Adobe Photoshop 
  • Analyze the images to be sliced

This way, availing Photoshop slicing benefits, you can incorporate a wide array of elements and save the images in formats like PNG or JPEG.   

Create HTML and CSS Files

When the main image file slicing is complete, coding the sliced components in HTML format and styling them in CSS format is required. This demands an expert designer who is well-knowledgeable and experienced with HTML5 coding and CSS.

Essentially, before heading to the further steps comes the PSD to HTML conversion.  

Break Down HTML File into WordPress Theme Structure

Do you know why PSD to WordPress theme conversion is necessary? Every business needs a fully responsive and mobile-friendly website and it is achieved by breaking up static HTML files into WordPress themes.    

Clearly, you have to break the HTML file into various PHP files like index.php, page.php, header.php, and more to achieve a dynamic WordPress theme.

Integrate WordPress Tags and Functions

With a plethora of in-built tags and functions offered by WordPress, embedding wishful functionality and characteristics to WordPress themes becomes easy. Once you’ve added the tags to WordPress theme files, their easy activation can be done via the WordPress dashboard. Similarly, the theme itself offers all the WordPress platform functionalities. So, if additional functions are required to perform certain tasks, don’t forget to rely on add-ons and plugins. 

Test Your WordPress Theme Installation

This measure covers recognizing HTML/WordPress errors, if any, plus examine the performance, flexibility, and responsiveness of the WordPress theme. Also, the incorrect code can be the cause of the poor website appearance. So, whatever the reason is, successful testing is essential to activate the perfectly working WordPress theme. 

Final Words

Undoubtedly, the process of converting PSD to WordPress is the easiest method to design a unique and powerful website. If you go through the SERP results, you’ll explore numberless websites that proffer interactive user experience and amazing functionalities. Also, utilizing the potential of WordPress and boosting it with Photoshop capabilities, you can build a website that improves the marketing tactics and increases the ROI. So, implement the guide shared above for designing a WordPress theme from existing PSD and produce a compelling website that can meet all your business goals. Hope these proven steps help you as it is a little investment today to keep the after stress and hassles at bay. All the Best!  


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