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Fashion Terms for Apparel and Defined

vishal gupta

The definitions and terms for apparel Fashion manufacturing: Find apparel manufacturing terminology by clicking the alphabets below and then clicking on the words to learn more about the terms. Download links for eBooks are provided at the bottom of the webpage.


Agile Fashion Manufacturing

Achieving agile manufacturing refers to the capability of the manufacturing facility to enhance certain areas of responsiveness reduce system changes, product customization, time and cost, and effective scaling up and down of production.

A flexible manufacturing approach incorporates a Just in Time (JIT) system with Total Quality Management (TQM) in order to react quickly to fluctuations in market demand. The requirement of reducing lead times and being able to adapt rapidly has brought about the need for suppliers to be involved in the manufacturing process as vital for their ability to reach the highest levels of satisfaction with their customers.


Allowance work-study refers to the extra time that is added to the base time in order to get the normal time required for an occupation. Operations in the apparel-manufacturing units do require the expenditure of human effort and are dependent on other factors like working conditions, human skills, Fashion and machinery.

Without an allowance, workers are not able to produce more, however, on the other hand, the worker will not be able to maintain their level of performance at 100% throughout the day. Since workers experience fatigue from day to day, some allowances allow them relief from fatigue as well as a sense of relaxation. The various kinds of allowances that are considered necessary include Machine allowance, Allowance for relaxation, Process allowance Special allowance, Contingency allowance.

Andon Light

ANDON lights are status display stations that provide immediate visual, color-coded, and audible notifications to the manager instantly in the event of a specific issue. “Andon” is a Japanese loanword, originally meaning paper lanterns; Japanese manufacturers began its quality-control use. An Andon system is among the main components in Jidoka, the Jidoka quality control system was developed by Toyota as part of the Toyota Production System and therefore is now a part of the lean manufacturing strategy.

Andon lights could indicate what they are: – Stop in production, – Machine issues or quality issues or a worker is not near machines, production going on without issue. There are various types of ANDON lights such as steady with buzzer, steady and flashing with buzzer, wall-mounted with/without buzzer, rotating/flashing/strobe beacons with buzzer,

wireless ANDON light, Ethernet-based ANDON light. A typical ANDON light that is installed within an apparel manufacturing plant is illustrated below. the colors show the following: Red-machine issue. Amber- quality issue. The green-colored raw materials issue.

Acknowledgment Quality Level – AQL


Acceptance of Quality Limit or Level (AQL) is related to Fashion statistical sampling. AQL is also abbreviated to Acceptable Qualitative Level. It’s what is known as the “minimal standard for a satisfactory process or product average.” It’s the maximum quantity of defective units that can be accepted within a batch, over which the whole lot is rejected.

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In the clothing industry generally speaking, for lower cost items and children’s clothing, an AQL between 6.5 and 10.0 could be acceptable however for higher-priced products, the appropriate AQL could be 2.5 as well as 4.0. If you lower is the AQL value, the more stringent is the standard.

ASN Advanced Shipping Notice in Fashion

ASN – advanced shipping notification (ASN) can be described as a form of document that contains all the details of an upcoming delivery. The aim of the ASN is to inform the consumer when shipping is scheduled and to provide the physical details of the delivery so that the buyer is prepared to accept the delivery. ASNs allow for the quick movement of goods through the retail supply chain since receiving is planned in advance. With the ASN it’s easier to know which trucks carry the product of the vendor, which means staffing becomes much easier. The information is sent electronically using EDI transactions set 856 which allows the businesses toFashion decrease their paperwork.

For that Hula Global’s supply chain is well digitized for its supply chain management service so that the process from taking orders to delivery, transparency should be maintained.

Assembly Line

The assembly line refers to a manufacturing process by which different assignments are made to a group of workstations. Fashion The components are assembled into a finished product in a sequence. The workstations are joined by a transportation mechanism that is accompanied by detailed assembly sequences that describe how the assembling process is carried out from one place to the next. Different operators are responsible for various tasks in an assembly line. A production line can be beneficial because it allows for standardization of production, and consistency in quality is possible. There is plenty of room for specific equipment, attachments, and tools for work


Attachments are the mechanisms that attach to a sewing machine that can be removed and don’t alter the frame that was originally used by the machine. Attachments help the user accomplish their tasks efficiently and simplify the process. Fashion For instance attachments for sewing machines that fold the fabric to control or guide it as well as allow an untrained operator to sew swiftly as well as with an excellent degree of precision.


An auditor may be either customer-facing or internal or external. Auditors evaluate the quality of processes, facilities, and systems. They provide an independent evaluation of the quality system in the factory and an objective view of the factory’s Fashion accuracy in the production of quality products.

Internal auditors are an employee of the company but are independent in examining any non-conformity issues and taking appropriate action in preparation for the third audit (Customer or Buyer) or audit by a third party. An auditor for the customer is a person who works for the organization’s client or buyer. A third-party auditor is employed or authorized by the client to check their procedure’s standard and to verify the quality of the product for a specified period.

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AWB – Air Way Bill

AWB is an acronym in the form of Airway Bill. This is an air cargo consignment notice issued on behalf of or by the shipper to prove the agreement between the shipper and the carrier(s) for the transportation of goods along the routes of the carriers. ABW can be described as a document solely for transport and doesn’t cover the value of the product. It is not a negotiable export document.

Balancing Loss (Fashion)

Balancing loss is the measurement of the absence of balance on a production line. It is which is defined as the proportion of time that is not utilized to make a profit, compared Fashion with the total amount of time spent in creating the product. In the manufacturing of clothing the term “balancing loss” is used to describe when there’s a disparity between the amount of equipment (based on the operation SAM and the production goal per day) and the actual number of machines assigned (the close-by round number is assigned). Balancing loss can be described in percentages and can be defined by:

Balanced loss percent is (Number of the machine that was allocated Number of the computers)* Number of computers that calculate.

Basic Time

Basic time refers to the observed amount of time that elements will take to complete their tasks if the worker was working at a standard speed. Basic time is not inclusive of allowances. To calculate fundamental time, cycle time is multiplied by operating performance Fashion rating .

  • Basic time = Cycle time X Performance rating

Bed Type (sewing machine bed type)

The bed of equipment is the area that the material is placed on. There are a variety of variations in the design and shape that allow for more efficient movement of materials within the machine. The differences in the structure of a machine’s bed are the bed type. The most commonly used bed is the flatbed. Cylinder bed, raised bed posts bed, monoblock feed-up-the arm and feed-of-the-arm are some other options.

Bit Loom

Bit Loom is an example of a type of fabric development sample. The term refers to a swatch of yarn-dyed fabric. On the development sample, loom Fabric is not created in its full length (regular) on this particular loom. Only the width required and length of the fabric is made to give the look of the fabric to get approval by the buyer.


BOM refers to the ‘Bill of Materials’. It is a list of the raw materials or parts necessary to construct an item and get it ready to be shipped according to the specifications of the buyer. A BOM typically includes a description of the item as well as consumption (per unit) with a specific measure and estimated cost per unit and the total cost for each item.

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Bottleneck Operation

A bottleneck is an operation that delays the next operation and may even delay earlier ones, due to an accumulation of clothes (work being completed) behind it.

For instance, circumstances like the insufficient capacity of a facility or workers, which increase the capacity of a particular section, could cause bottlenecks during the course of production. The efficiency of the line and also the productivity of labor are negatively affected by the work in progress (WIP) stage at bottlenecks. There are a variety of ways to decrease WIP at bottlenecks is by improving the procedure by sharing the capacity, using extra machines or manpower, enhancing working station layout, and improving the distribution of operators.

Bundle System

With a bundle method of production WIP, it is made in bundles of tiny pieces of clothing that are moved from one workstation to the next in a controlled manner. The bundle system can be classified into two kinds namely traditional and progressive. In the traditional bundle system, sewing machines are placed in lines. The process flows begin from the center (store) zone to the machine that is first, and from one machine to the shop then for the second machine and the cycle continues. In the progressive bundle system, sewing tasks are performed in a sequential manner. laid out and each person receives the bundle, completes his job, unties the bundle, then hands it to the next person. This is the most popular system in the world of clothing.

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Bundling is an operation of the department of cutting. It’s done following the process of quality control of cut components, recutting of defective components, the counting, and sorting of the cut parts.

Bundling involves the process of binding cut pieces with strips of fabric to secure the pieces together and to avoid their detachment during transportation into the line for sewing. Bundling is the complete set of parts that are cut in each style. They are grouped according to size as well as by color in the event that several different colors of fabric were laid on top of each other in a single spread. The bundles created may be of the identical size (ten units each, two dozen, one dozen or more, etc. ) They could also vary based on the method by which the fabric is distributed.

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