Bring Home Latest LED Energy-Efficient &Color Modifiable Bulbs

Bring Home Latest LED Energy-Efficient &Color Modifiable Bulbs

Amazon Discounton Color Regulating Smart LED Lights

It is an era of smart technology. You can find smart vacuums, refrigerators and air conditioners. Now, smart LED bulbs are launched to upgrade your home environment. You do not need to follow intricate methods. Just attach the bulb in the socket and install the application. As compared to old-fashioned bulbs, the smart technology has given opportunity to control electricity usage and consumption. What is more fascinating about this smart light is color adjustable option to choose the color according to the atmosphere or your mood. Receive Amazon promo codeto choose Wi-Fi smart LED bulbs on reasonable price.

Uses of Smart Lights

Smart lighting is perfect for residential areas as well as education centre. The energy efficient bulbs are really cost-effective and help in controlling the light through Wi-Fi. Gone are the days when you need to turn on lights through switches. Now, you can turn off or on the light just by using an online application. If you are coming home late at night, the advanced technology will help you to illuminate the house before reaching home. In case, you are in hurry and forget to turn off the lights while going to a trip. Just login the application and check the position of smart bulbs. Turn off unnecessary lights and save energy. Apart from turning on or off the lights, the smart technology is helpful in dimming the lights in the morning and making it brighter at night. While watching a movie or planning to give birthday surprise, change the color of light that matches with the event.

Work Procedure of Smart Lighting

Usually, smart bulbs are attached with a hub that is actually a package of hardware. Once you have attached the bulb and connected with the Wi-Fi, it does not require any maintenance or arrangement. The hub as well as the downloaded application will give lighting options to use as you prefer. Though smart bulbs are enough to enjoy quality and colorful lighting; however you can consider smart switches to make your home compact with the latest technology.

Smart Bulb vs. Smart Switches

  1. Smart bulbs

Advanced technology bulbs have a straightforward method of installation that is inexpensive. As compared to glowing traditional lights, the smart LED lights save six times more energy and reduce the electricity charges. Moreover, the lifespan of smart bulbs is more than 25,000 used hours, therefore changing a bulb after such a great time period does not effect on your budget. Unlike florescent lights, the absence of mercury in smart bulbs has made them an environment friendly option. Use Amazon promo code to order as maximum bulbs as you need in your home without getting empty-pocketed. The smart bulbs are available in various brightness options, light temperatures and sizes therefore it is not necessary to change the previous fixtures. After buying bulbs for all your rooms, connect these bulbs with the application.

  • Smart Switches

Unlike smart bulbs, the smart switches need rewiring and replacement of existing switches. Hub or Wi-Fi isused with these switches. As compared to LED bulbs, the switch option is costly, requires more time as well as efforts to install and operate the switches. If you are living on rent, you are not allowed to replace the electrical wires, whereas smart bulbs can be adjusted and shifted to new location easily.

Advantages of Smart Bulbs

You may consider playing with lights a fun activity, but smart bulbs are really beneficial.

  • Energy Saving Technology

You are given control to dim or turn off lights to save energy. It is up to you to adjust settings through online application or adjust motion sensors. When no one is present in the room, set the sensors to turn off the lights. Whenever motion is noticed in a room, the lights will be turned on. Apart from motion sensors, LEDs consume less energy than a normal bulb without compromising on light quality.

  • Easy to Use

With the help of smart bulbs, it is quite simple to control the light mode. If you are working at desk, use your phone to turn off or on the lights of lounge, drawing room or kitchen. With a few clicks, the hue, intensity and brightness of the bulbs can be attuned.

  • Personalized Light Selection

While reading, set the white bright light to avoid eye strain. Early in the morning, when you just wake up, the lights must be dim so eyes can open in a comfortable environment. In summer season, blue light gives a soothing cool effect, whereas yellow light is good for winter season to give an illusion of warmness and vigor.

Avail Amazon promo code for buying smart LED lights for home decoration. To set your mood, use these innovative lights when you have planned hangouts with pals, parties or just family gatherings.


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