4 Factors to Look for in an Attendance System

4 Factors to Look for in an Attendance System

When we see series or films that depict some aspect of employees clocking in their time during an era where digital and virtual world was still a far dream, we had seen that there is a punch in a ticket in a machine and ten manually log in the time. Now there are the biometric systems that are safe and secure, and they give 100% accurate results and reduce the hassles related to manual system of calculating attendance. But, there were many problems with this manual inputting system like fake time inputs and proxies between friends that gave rise to the emergence and mass usage of the attendance system.

The need to install a reliable attendance system

To overcome these issues, employers have turned to the attendance system that does away with any chance of putting a proxy. Now, with the work from home culture become a popular way to include remote teams without having to spend on infrastructure, having a reliable and secure attendance system is the need of the hour.

Apart from helping employers and HR team manage attendance, the system also helps with:

  • Keeping track of the work schedule of the employees
  • Since the automated process gives rise to much accuracy, there is also a tendency for proper salary calculation.
  • Collect data with respect to employee satisfaction and other vital details to better manage and develop the team
  • Estimate the key performance of every member of the team
  • Let’s employees post sick leaves on time

Another important benefit that this system offers is accurate paycheck generation as the hours inputted by the employee and the rate of pay is constantly tallied and updated so that when invoice generation happens it is accurate with no need to go in for lengthy revisions.

Factors to look for when choosing an attendance system.

There ae many types of attendance system and choosing the correct one for the team and the company is a task that has to be dealt properly. There can be problems with the single sign-in systems, but with the advanced attendance systems, you get the best benefits of remembering and using passwords to the best possible use. Once these two questions are accurately answered, you need to look at the below mentioned factors to ensure you get the most out of the attendance management system.

  • Complies with the policy. The first thing you need to consider when getting an attendance system is that the system complies with the policies laid down by labor rights and acts so that breach of trust and gathering personal information without intimation is avoided.
  • Multi-system integration. When you are looking to track not only your physical but remote teams too, you need to consider having a system that offers you more than just clocking in and clocking out. It offers better convenience and also includes device authentication and security in the best possible manner.
  • Proper software and applications. Having a system that allows you not only to log in from a computer but also track work from mobile is an excellent example of being wire free and work even on the move.
  • Key performance indicators. In order to cherish hardworking employees, you need to have a KPI or key performance indicator that tracks performances and labor expenses in real time. It is an affordable system and offers better access control.


Once you have installed the correct attendance system, you and your employees can work with an easy mind knowing that the workflow and payments will not be hampered. Even in unexpected events like sudden sickness occurs, real time updates and work reallocation becomes possible without breaking out from the usual flow.


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